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Home -> Ocean Freight Forwarder


U.S. Group Consolidator, Inc. AND Consolidator International Container Service are licensed N.V.O.C.C’s in the USA. Consolidator International Co., Ltd. is a licensed N.V.O.C.C. in China with the ability to provide all necessary arrangements for your ocean freight shipments.

This includes bookings with the steamship line, rate negotiations, container staging, insurance and requested banking
documentation. We may also provide vessel chartering for special projects and break bulk commodities.

Our complete services include:

• Local Custom Brokerage
• Logistics & Distribution
• Securing marine insurance
• Reviewing all steamship lines (conference and non-conference) that service your required port. The review will include
rate comparison, scheduling, capacity level & general capabilities of the various lines.
• Rate negotiation on your behalf with ocean service and inland drayage.
• Booking appropriate space
• Coordinating the receipt of goods from inland carriers at the port of exit or warehouse and issuing a Forwarder’s
Certificate of Receipt.
• Issuance of Bill of Lading in accordance with the Letter of Credit and other specific instructions you may request.
• Forwarding Per-advice to assigned agents at the port of destination.
• Pre-Payment of ocean freight, port and related charges.

©2011 U.S. Group Consolidator, Inc. / Consolidator International Co., Ltd. All rights reserved