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Home -> Customs Brokerage


U.S. Group Consolidator, Inc. / Consolidator International Co., Ltd. and our customs brokerage division, USG
Logistics Inc, can offer you customs clearance service at every port of entry. Our staff has years of experience with clearing merchandise and will work closely with you to obtain the proper tariff codes that cover your goods. This process help to move your shipments through customs efficiently and smoothly.

Global sourcing and customs issues have never played a more important role in the supply chain. To stay competitive in today's economy you need a customs partner that can clear time sensitive international cargo quickly and effectively. We have been helping clients successfully navigate complex trade regulations for years; thus avoiding additional costs and delays.

Our forwarding specialists and licensed customs brokers are ready to manage your import and export processing and compliance assessment programs.

• Remote Location Filing capabilities. Allows Us Group Consolidator / USG Logistics to process a customs entry anywhere in the USA. You control your supply chain while working with a single point of contact, thereby saving time and money
• Knowledgeable in Customs Compliance and what it means to the importer.
• Pre - arrival clearance
• Paperless clearance
• Automated Broker interface (ABI) capabilities
• Surety Bond services
• Well versed in prior Notice with FDA
• FDA approved for "paperless"eletronic entry processing
• Automated Clearing House (ACH) allows duty payment - daily or monthly
• Binding Ruling services
• Effective use of Foreign Trade Zones for inventory management

©2011 U.S. Group Consolidator, Inc. / Consolidator International Co., Ltd. All rights reserved